Pixel Parties

The Superhero Series
Build a deck from a limited 200 card pool, fight other players in ranked
best of three matches, collect rating - and become a Superhero!
The Rules
The Superhero Series is a limited league format. Every two months, a new pool of 200 curated cards is released for players to explore and build unique and interesting decks with. Within the two months a card pool is legal, players sign up for scheduled ranked matches, or play ranked matches by their own volition.
Each ranked match is a best of three with a side board of up to 15 cards. Between matches, players are free to change their decks.
For the Series, the normal rules of the game apply: Players choose 3 Heroes (from the limited card pool) as their Party to start the game with and bring a 60-card deck as well as, optionally, a 5-15-card Potion Deck and an up to 15-card side board.
Side boards may also include Heroes, so players can adjust their lineup between games, but for each sided Hero, its Starting Abilities must also be part of the side board.
At the end of each Series, the three top-ranked players receive special prizes.
They each gain a Golden/Silver/Bronze Superhero role on the Pixel Parties Discord server to indicate their status.
They each gain 100/50/25 Smug Coins,
which can be spent to get their own card ideas into the game.
They each get to decide a card to get a new art made for it.
The highest-ranked player also gets a Hero card of themselves (or an OC of theirs) made to commemorate his success.
All three winners together may decide an existing Hero which will get a special Ascended Hero of itself made.

Hall of Fame

The legendary Superheroes of former Series, their greatness immortalized forever

The Card Pool

Heroes |
Abilities |
Creatures |
Attacks |
Spells |
Artifacts |
Potions |
Ascendeds |