Pixel Parties

Sun Fencer Frenzy
Type: Attacks/Destruction
Play Style: Midrange
Difficulty: Medium
Consistency: 2/5
Power: 4/5
Recovery: 2/5
Protection: 4/5
Versatility: 4/5
With The Sun Sword in hand, Taio, the Sun Fencer, is ready to defeat whatever enemy he has to to get his chance to steal the fires of the gods themselves and attain a power beyond what any mortal should wield!
Taio, while equipped with an Artifact like The Sun Sword, can use both Attacks and Destruction Spells, meaning you have access to a wide variety of tools for both offense and defense. And once he Ascends after slaying an enemy Hero, he gets to use an Attack AND a Spell every turn, with one of them coming straight from the deck, allowing you to freely access whatever big nuke you'd like!
Like many other Ascension decks, Taio gets incredibly powerful and can easily decide games in one or two turns once her Ascends - but the way there isn't the easiest in the world. Can you keep him alive until he manages to attain his godlike powers?!
How to use the Deck

This deck has 2 distinct phases to its playstyle. First, you want to kill an enemy Hero with your main carry, Taio. Taio is a super offensively-minded Hero, making it easy to kill Heroes in 2 hits if you get the right cards. His effect lets him use Destruction Spells off his Fighting Ability while equipped with an expensive Artifact, and also increases his Attack stat by 20 for each Artifact equipped to him. Once he reaches Fighting 3, that adds up to a total of 160 Attack with a single Sun Sword, or 200 with 2 of them equipped. That 200 is an important threshold, as it allows him to one-shot 400 HP Heroes with a single Critical Strike.
Alternatively, you can also use the lv 3 Destruction Spell Magic Hammer for 300 damage, which is a 2-hit against almost any Hero and can ideally even one-hit some Heroes, which would be Taio's dream.
To get the ever-important Sun Sword equipped, the deck dedicates an entire Hero slot to running Bill, who auto-equips one Artifact each to your other Heroes at the start of combat. You use that to get your Sun Sword on Taio, and also a Wanted Poster on your third Hero, the draw supporter Kazena. The Wanted Poster, which draws you cards when the equipped Hero kills a target, is not important in itself, it mainly serves to thin out the deck by 1 card. If you somehow get it equipped to Taio instead of Kazena during the game, it generates you additional advantage.
The deck runs Kazena as its final Hero because it's really good at dumping its hand, running a lot of Artifacts that can be played in many situations, a multitude of Abilities, Surprises, Reactions... all kinds of cards you can just play, often leaving you with only 1-3 cards in hand towards the end of your turn. That equates to 4+ draws from Kazena every single turn, which is very strong, but also very necessary, as this deck's greatest weakness lies in its consistency. You need to find 2 copies of Fighting to get Taio fully online (the offensive lv 1 and 2 Attacks/Spells you have can soften up your opponent's targets, but will need multiple hits to ever defeat a Hero). Additionally, you also need to find the correct offensive threats; Magic Hammers and Critical Strikes are the big ones.
Kazena was chosen for this deck since she can help assemble a multitude of puzzle pieces, as this deck needs - but she's not good at finding specific cards. You will often just not find enough Fighting in the early game to pressure your opponent, forcing you to play a more defensive, reactive playstyle until you finally get your pieces.
For that reason, your lv 2 Spell of choice is Boiling Oil, which deals AoE damage and is there mainly to prevent your opponent from setting up Creatures.
If you find your 2 copies of Fighting, enough powerful Attacks or Spells to kill at least 1 enemy Hero, and a copy of Taio's Ascended form, you can finally get him Ascended. Once Ascended, he can no longer automatically use Destruction Spells off his Fighting Ability, but he gains lv 3 Destruction Magic as his Ascension Bonus. For that reason, the deck has to run 3 copies of Destruction Magic, as the bonus can't come from outside the game. 3 more bricks during normal gameplay, which you absolutely must not attach to any Hero except Taio - otherwise your Ascended can't use lv 3 Destruction Spells and he loses almost all his value!
Once you finally have your Ascended Taio ready, you can double-hit your opponent with nukes every single turn, ideally using a Magic Hammer and Critical Strike simultaneously in just 1 Action Phase, leading to easy double-kill!
Once Taio has Ascended, the deck becomes an offensive juggernaut - but until you get there, it has to be a defensive fortress. To facilitate that, you have the Attacks Escape, which allows the user to survive an otherwise lethal blow, and Jump in the River, which makes the user untargetable for a turn, as well as Booby Trap to kill attacking Creatures before they can hurt Taio.
The deck also runs some utility Artifacts to help disrupt the opponent and keep yourself alive, namely Dark Gear (take control of a Creature), The Yeeting (remove a non-Hero card from the board) and Golden Ankh (revive a Hero for 1 turn), which is also your only real comeback tool if you lose your Taio early. If you can't revive him, your only other option for a comeback would be to get your Kazena or Bill to lv 3 Fighting or Destruction Magic and deal damage with them.
To pay for the Artifacts, you have 3 ways for Gold generation: Kazena's Adventurousness, which costs an Action to use, Bill's Trade, which deletes the top 5 cards of your deck and can thus be risky if you are still missing specific pieces like a copy of Ascended Taio, and Taio's Thieving, which steals Gold directly from the opponent for free, but can only generate you Gold while the opponent has something to steal.
Overall, this deck has a very high potential power ceiling, but is also incredibly susceptible to disruption of any kind until it gets there. Taio could get focused if you happen to not have the right defensive cards. You could simply get overwhelmed if you take too long to Ascend. Your opponent could remove your Sun Sword, which would make Ascension impossible until you equip a new one (another piece you need to find from your deck!), and even Ascended Taio, while bulky at 600 HP, is by no means invincible. If you don't have a Jump in the River ready when you Ascend, he could easily just get bursted down or finished that turn!
Can you steal the fire of the gods - or will you be snuffed out?