Pixel Parties

Suicide Bombers
Type: Destruction Magic
Play Style: Aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Consistency: 2/5
Power: 5/5
Recovery: 1/5
Protection: 3/5
Versatility: 3/5
Throw out flashy, explosive Spells to kill your opponent's Heroes in a heartbeat! Sure, they are risky, and your own Heroes will take massive damage in the process ... but if you can defeat the final enemy Hero before you run out of gas, who cares about a little damage, right?!
This deck specializes in picking off individual enemy Heroes and trading your own spellcasters for defeating Heroes. But that doesn't matter if you can just revive your sacrificed Hero to throw them into the enemy's ranks once again!
Put the most pressure on your opponent they will have ever experienced and end the game within your first 3 turns ... one way or another!
How to use the Deck

This deck is 100% gas!
What you want to do is burn through your resources, be it cards in hand, Gold, or even the HP of your own Heroes, with reckless abandon to deal as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. If you can kill your opponent's Heroes before you run out of gas, you win. If not, you either fizzle out, or just get out-resourced by your opponent and overwhelmed over time.
To deal as much damage as possible, starting as quickly as possible, and for as many turns as possible, you run 2 dedicated damage dealing Heroes, Bartas and Ida. Ida is a fairly simple Hero. She starts with Destruction Magic at level 2 so she can use high-level Spells early, her damage cannot be reduced or negated, allowing you to break through even against decks that try to set up locks or to stall, but she also can never hit multiple targets at once with her Spells. Not that you care much; this deck is all about picking off individual enemies with nuke Spells, with only very little AoE options for your other spellcaster to use in a pinch. Overall, she can be used early game to land devastating high-level nuke Spells before your opponent can set up, picking off either their main attacker, or their draw supporter to slow them down.
Your second spellcaster is a little more complicated: Bartas can hit a second target when using a Spell with a lower level than his Destruction Magic level. For example, if he uses a lv 1 Spell that would hit exactly 1 target while he has Destruction Magic 2 or 3, he can hit a second target, dealing full damage and inflicting all other effects on the second target.
Note that Spells with a downside, such as dealing recoil damage to the user, also trigger their downside twice when used by Bartas against 2 targets!
That is important because the 2 main Spells you will use to nuke enemy Heroes are Victory Phoenix Cannon and Phoenix Tackle, both of which deal recoil damage to the user. These 2 Spells form a combo: Use Victory Phoenix Cannon (which is lv 3) to deal 200 damage. Then take 200 recoil to immediately cast a lv 1 Spell from hand as an additional Action, that being the lv 1 Phoenix Tackle. Tackle deals damage scaling with the user's Destruction Magic level. To play this combo, you need to have Destruction Magic at level 3, which translates to 300 damage and 150 recoil from Phoenix Tackle. Thus, you deal 500 total damage, which, if you hit the same target with both Spells, can one-shot most Heroes easily. You also take 350 recoil total, enough to kill your own Bartas, but not enough to kill Ida.
Importantly, the recoil from Victory Phoenix Cannon only happens AFTER the free Spell it lets you use has fully resolved!
What does that mean? If you go Phoenix Cannon --> Phoenix Tackle, you can then hit a second target with Phoenix Tackle if you use it with Bartas, since it's a lv 1 Spell. Sure, Bartas would take 500 recoil total, but who cares? He's dead either way! Since the recoil of Victory Phoenix Cannon happens after Tackle has fully resolved, it also happens after Tackle has hit the second target and thus doesn't prevent you from hitting a second target.
So if used by Bartas, the "Phoenix Combo" deals a massive 800 damage for the cost of 2 cards from hand and one of your own Heroes! Depending on your opponent's Hero lineup, this could easily one-shot 2 Heroes at once, since there are quite a few that start with 300 or less HP!
Of course, being able to use the Phoenix Combo (or any of your big nuke Spells) requires you to get your spellcasters to Destruction Magic 3 first. To do that, you main-deck quite a few copies of it, and also a full suite of Magnetic Glove and Magnetic Potion to search them if necessary. Knowing when to develop which Hero, and when to maybe just ignore one of them for lack of enough Destruction Magic, is one of the ways to really "master" this deck. It's very easy to pick up, but has some intricacies to it!
The biggest downside of the deck is its lack of a dedicated draw or search supporter. Your only supporter is Semi, a Gold supporter which you need to access the excellent Artifacts you rely on for consistency and protection, but also for your Potion Deck. You don't start with Alchemy - but you main-deck it, because every single Potion in your Potion Deck is a huge tempo shift in your favor. Using a search from one of your Magnetic Gloves early to find a copy of Alchemy, just to get your Potion Deck going, can be very valuable!
Since you run Semi, you 100% always want to go first. The 20 extra Gold you can get off her Adventurousness turn 1 can be game deciding, depending on your draws.
As for your Artifacts, you run mainly tools to slow your opponent down and deal with their setups. Dark Gear against Creature decks, Beer against status decks, Snow Cannon as a general tool to slow down your opponent, and Cloud Pillow, which halves all incoming damage for 1 turn, as a tool to both slow down your opponent and reduce your own recoil damage, potentially allowing Bartas to survive his own Phoenix Combo, or let Ida take only minuscule damage from slamming into the opponent.
Also worth noting are the 4 copies of Golden Ankh the deck runs. Golden Ankh simply revives a Hero for 1 turn - but 1 turn is more than enough if you can use it for another Phoenix Combo, or just any big nuke Spell to kill at least 1 Hero!
This deck definitely has the potential to brick or run out of gas before it gets even close to winning ... but it can grab some of the fastest wins of any deck!