Pixel Parties

Lightning Caller
Type: Destruction Magic
Play Style: Aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Consistency: 3/5
Power: 4/5
Recovery: 1/5
Protection: 4/5
Versatility: 5/5
Who needs Abilities if you can rain lightning onto your opponent for free?!
The mighty Sol Rym, bringer of lightning storms, is here to allow you to do just that! Spam the powerful lv 3 Spell Chain Lightning like it's nothing, dealing 450 combined damage to your opponent's Heroes every turn with no setup required! Sure, they choose how the damage is split, but ... damage is damage!
The only downside? Sol Rym only has 300 HP, and if you lose him, or he gets his effect negated, you can do literally nothing to kill your opponent!
It's all or nothing - can you keep your one and only spellcaster alive until the rain of lightning has decimated the enemy, or will Sol Rym fall, and with him your entire game?
How to use the Deck

This might be the most straightforward deck in the entire game. Your game plan is incredibly simple: Protect your Hero Sol Rym and cast as many Chain Lightning Spells as possible! Sol Rym can never cast more than 1 Spell per turn, so while you can deal massive damage early, you still need 3-4 turns on average to nuke your opponent's Heroes.
Chain Lightning makes your opponent apply 200/150/100 damage respectively to 3 of their targets, and they have to pick Heroes first. In theory, your opponent can always apply the 100 damage to the same Hero, meaning one Hero will pretty much always survive 3 hits. However, once their other Heroes fall, they must choose their last remaining Hero for the first hit, the big 200, so even tanky Heroes like Thorad will melt.
There's only 1 other Spell in the deck you could spend your turn on occasionally, that being Butterfly Cloud. Sol Rym happens to start with Magic Arts and Wisdom, so the lv 2 Magic Arts Spell Butterfly Cloud can be used by him natively. Butterfly Cloud deals 50 damage to all enemy targets and makes Sol Rym untargetable for 1 turn. This Spell will hopefully buy you a turn, and you can also use it to deal with wide Creature boards. Chain Lightning can theoretically deal with Creatures, but only once 1 or 2 enemy Heroes are defeated. Until then, sprinkling in a Butterfly is your best way to slow down spammy Creature decks.
So with your gameplan being extremely simple, what does the deck do to facilitate it? It runs 2 dedicated support Heroes, Fiona for Gold and Nicolas for Potions. This allows you to run an extremely high amount of Potions and Artifacts in your deck to help keep Sol Rym alive, slow down your opponent, find Chain Lightnings every turn - and also recycle used Chain Lightning, so running out of them is not an automatic lose condition.
A few examples include Elixir of Immortality, Resuscitation Potion, 2 Smug Coins and 4 Golden Ankhs, all to prevent Sol Rym from dying or revive him, 2 Tool Freezers, 2 Yeetings, a MOE Bomb and 4 Snow Cannons to slow your opponent down, negate or remove their cards, 4 Dark Gear to deal with individual Creatures, 4 Magnetic Gloves, 2 Magnetic Potions, 2 Elixir of Quickness and 4 Wheels to draw and search important cards, and 3 Renewable Energy to return already used Chain Lightnings back to your deck.
And that's it! Find Chain Lightnings, use your Artifacts and Potions to protect/revive Sol Rym, and mess with your opponent's board as much as possible. It should take you more than 4 turns of raining down lightning to wipe out the opponent!