Pixel Parties

Pure Poison
Type: Status effects
Play Style: Control
Difficulty: Easy
Consistency: 2/5
Power: 3/5
Recovery: 3/5
Protection: 4/5
Versatility: 4/5
Why just take out the enemy quickly when you can also make them suffer?
Poison their Heroes, Stun them as well while your at it, to make it harder to do anything, prevent your opponent from using Artifacts, lock them out of draw effects, and then, rip their cards straight out of their hand, depriving them of any way to fight back while the Poison kills their Heroes!
This deck is all that, and then some. It's the most nasty, torturous way you can defeat your opponent while still being legitimately powerful and not just a troll deck.
The best part is that you can apply a ton of Poison in very little time, so the Poison damage can rack up to the point where enemy Heroes are defeated in just 2-3 turns!
How to use the Deck

This deck's entire strategy is to inflict and stack up Poison, double its damage with the passive effect of the Hero Medea, and then slow down the opponent, prevent them from doing anything meaningful, and watch as their Heroes die to the Poison.
To inflict it, the deck runs Reiza, who inflicts a standard 30 damage Poison as well as a 1 turn Stun to any unfortunate target she hits with an Attack. Said Poison can also stack; if the target is already Poisoned, that Poison's damage is increased by 30 instead. With Medea's effect to double any Poison damage, that represents 60 damage per turn. Reiza also has 80 base Attack, meaning her Attacks, while not amazing, contribute pretty well to taking out an enemy Hero.
To drastically accelerate the damage, the deck runs 2 copies of Poison Vial in its Potion Deck, which applies a Poison for 60 damage or increases an existing Poison's damage by 60. With Medea, that's 120. Stacked with even just a single hit from Reiza, that's 180 damage, and combined with the damage her Attack itself dealt, that 2-hits most Heroes!
However, it might be in your best interest to spread out your Poison, because as long as all targets your opponent controls are Poisoned, you get to perform a second Action with Reiza every turn completely for free! That can be another Attack for more damage and Stuns, or you can attach Adventurousness from your hand to her and spend the free Action every turn on that for additional Gold.
Besides the standard Artifacts like Wheels, Magnetic Glove and The Yeeting, the deck also runs Invisibility Cloak, which protects a single Hero from being hit by an opponent's targeting Attack or Spell, to protect your important Heroes. The deck runs no Golden Ankhs, since reviving specifically Medea only for the duration of your own turn doesn't do anything; she'd need to be alive during your opponent's turn to double the damage their targets take from Poison. Invisibility Cloak can help keep Medea alive, if only for 1 extra turn.
The beverage of choice in this deck is very clearly Tea, which bounces status effects from your targets to an opponent's.
That has 2 reasons: Firstly, if your opponent's beverage of choice is also Tea, they'll bounce your precious Poison (and potentially Stuns) back to you, so you can bounce them right back to them. And secondly, your third and final Hero is Fiona, who generates you a ton of Gold whenever she gets inflicted with status effects. With Sickly Cheese, you can Poison your own Hero to search your deck for a Decay Spell - so you get a search and 20 Gold from Poisoning Fiona! And you could then use the Tea to give that Poison to the opponent.
Additionally, you can always elect to hit your own Fiona with Reiza. Fiona generates 20 Gold per status inflicted, so when Reiza hits her and she gets Poisoned and Stunned, that's a ridiculous 40 Gold for your troubles. More than enough for the suite of powerful Artifacts at your disposal.
Your main way to deal damage and spread status will be with Attacks, but you also use the Decay Magic Reiza starts with for some disruptive Spells:
Loot the Leftovers lets you snatch 2 random cards from your opponent's hand when any target is defeated by an opponent's damage source, and Intrude can once per turn either negate or copy a draw effect. In most cases, you'll want to negate it. Rip their hand apart with Loot the Leftovers, then prevent them from coming back with something like Kazena via Intrude.
One big payoff, as well as a contributor to the hand disruption strategy is the Attack Hammer Throw - it has a very unique effect and applies a debuff to your opponent for 1 turn that forces them to delete 1 card whenever they want to use an Artifact. Like a beverage to heal their status. You can't really prevent them from using those Artifacts entirely, but you can strip them of resources to such a degree that the beverage will be all they do that turn!
And speaking of weaknesses: This deck can be pretty inconsistent. To really pop off, you need to find ways to Poison all enemy targets. Ideally, that can happen on your first turn (Quick Attack for a free additional Attack + any normal Attack (like Hammer Throw) + a Poison Vial you got from Medea's Alchemy). But it's far more likely that you'll have to spend 2 or even 3 turns attacking to finally get to the second Action per turn. And that's assuming your opponent can't heal the status in the meantime!
The deck also specifically struggles against Creature decks, since Reiza needs all targets to be Poisoned - including Creatures. Additionally, the deck has no real AoE options whatsoever, meaning clearing wide Creature boards is incredibly difficult for it. Your best counter strategy would be to really lean into the hand control aspect of the deck. Loot the Leftovers can be used if a Creature is defeated, not just a Hero, and spammy Creature decks often require a lot of resources from their hand to expand their boards.