Pixel Parties

Guardian Beasts
Type: Creatures
Play Style: Mid-Range
Difficulty: Hard
Consistency: 4/5
Power: 4/5
Recovery: 3/5
Protection: 4/5
Versatility: 3/5
Unleash the Guardian Beasts, a set of bulky level 0 Creatures, and manipulate both players' discard piles for massive gains!
Once you've generated your big advantage, use your Creatures' might and deal huge damage with the help of Alice, the Puppeteer Girl.
She is your primary damage source and can once per turn deal damage scaling with the number of Creatures you control that weren't summoned this turn.
With the ability to easily spam multiple bulky Creatures every turn, your opponent won't be able to keep up with clearing them, and you can out-grind them with time. Your Alice is destined to hit for massive damage eventually!
Just don't let her die...
How to use the Deck

This deck is all about summoning Guardian Beasts and manipulating your discard pile. All Guardian Beasts are lv 0 Creatures with 100 HP (which is a massive amount for lv 0 Creatures!) that can only be summoned while your discard pile is empty! Additionally, summoning a Guardian Beast counts as an additional Action once per turn, meaning you can summon 2 Guardian Beasts with only 1 Action and constantly flood the board with relatively bulky guys to build up a strong board presence!
Most Guardian Beasts have effects that require them to delete cards from either player's discard pile as a cost. That means you'll need a constant supply of cards in your discard pile for effects, but also a completely empty discard pile whenever you want to summon new Guardian Beasts.
Thus, the deck revolves around manipulating your discard pile, keeping it empty at the start of your turn for most of the early game. To do this, we'll use The First Circle of Hell. This Area Spell is what really drives the difficulty and utility of this deck. At the start of either player's turn, The First Circle of Hell checks the turn player's discard pile, and if the count is odd, it deletes all cards in that pile. At the end of either player's turn, The First Circle of Hell checks the turn player's deleted cards pile, and if the count is even, it sends all cards in that pile to the respective discard pile.
Seems simple enough, right? Just check your discard at the start of your turn and your delete at the end of your turn and move the piles accordingly. The difficulty comes with the manipulation. You'll have to use your Guardian Beasts to make the number of your opponent's deleted cards even so they return to discard to fuel your effects next turn. On the other hand, you also have to make sure your own discard pile is odd at the start of your turn so it gets deleted and you are able to summon your Guardian Beasts.
If you already have some Guardian Beasts out, you can also use their effects to get rid of cards in your discard pile during your turn. Properly manipulating both players' discard piles is not easy at all, especially since your opponent can always throw a wrench in your plans by, for example, defeating some of your Guardian Beasts that then go to your discard pile and might make it even.
However, with enough practice, and some mind breaking calculation, you can make it work!
The deck uses Cooldin, King of Coolness as one of its Heroes. He starts with Alchemy and Leadership, 2 of the strongest Abilities in the game that are very helpful throughout, but the main reason we use him is for his effect. That allows you to search your deck or hand for an Area Spell and put it into play, ignoring its level and ending your turn. This allows you to get The First Circle of Hell out on your first turn and lets you replace it easily if it ever gets removed.
The last hero is Diamond, the Keeper of Peace. For the cost of your Action, Diamond allows you to summon up to 2 of your deleted Creatures to his Support Zones. That way, you can recover from and play through board wipes and other counterplay, since you can just delete the Guardian Beasts in your discard pile and bring them back out with Diamond!
Note however that even with Diamond, you still need an empty discard pile in order to summon Guardian Beasts, so always work with your First Circle!