Pixel Parties

Bloody King Zi
Type: Spells
Play Style: Aggro
Difficulty: Medium
Consistency: 5/5
Power: 4/5
Recovery: 3/5
Protection: 2/5
Versatility: 3/5
With the time- and rule-distorting powers of Zi, you will be able to cast Spells right from your deck every single turn! And you don't even need to be able to actually cast them!
Sounds amazing, right?
There is just one slight problem. You offer your opponent 3 different Spells, and they choose which one you will actually cast. You will have to find the right combination of Spells for every situation.
Well that doesn't sound so bad though. Just pick 3 big nuke Spells every turn, simple enough!
Unfortunately, no. The 3 Spells you pick can't exceed a combined level total of 6, so you'll either have to pick only lv 2 Spells, or find a way to mix in lv 1 or lower options that your opponent likes so little, they'll give you a lv 3 Spell over them.
Can you find the right Spells to cast, or will your opponent easily outsmart you and have your spellcasts fizzle for no value?
How to use the Deck

The cornerstone of this deck is Zi. His effect lets you select 3 Spells from your deck with a combined level of up to 6. Your opponent chooses one of them, and Zi uses that Spell regardless of its level. This is great, because you never need to actually draw into any Spells you want to use, nor do you need to set up any Abilities at all. You're ready to blast your opponent every turn, no matter what!
But it's also not always easy to use since your opponent gets to pick their poison. To help with this huge downside, the deck runs several low-level Spells as possible options. First, we have Chaos Magic. It's level 0 and reveals up to 5 cards from the top of your deck, turning into a copy of the first Spell revealed. You can never guarantee what it will turn into, but it is always a huge threat, able to turn into any of your big lv 3 nuke Spells, so your opponent might be disincentivized from choosing it despite its level 0 status. Be careful though, as Chaos Magic can only copy the same Spell once per game. So with each time your opponent chooses it, the chance for it to actually hit a quality Spell will decrease.
Next, the deck also runs Pyroblast, a level 0 Spell that deals 100 damage to as many targets as you want. Wow! You can threaten wide Creature boards with this with ease, or finish off already weakened Heroes easily! But there is a downside. For each target hit, the Spell generates Pollution Tokens, reducing your hand size and forcing you to delete cards from your hand whenever you are above your max hand size. You should never pick this card carelessly in the early game, as it will cripple your hand for the rest of the game to come, and when you pick it and your opponent chooses it for you (as they are likely to do), choose carefully which and how many targets you want to hit! Pyroblast is a last resort or finisher, not an opener!
You also have a combination of Disruption Ray at level 1, which doubles any damage the target takes until the end of your next turn, and Fireball at level 2 which just deals damage to 2 targets. Disruption Ray can be a really unattractive choice to your opponent if they have 1 extremely important Hero they don't want bursted down, and while Fireball is overall the weakest Spell in the deck, it can still deal with Creature board or soften up 2 Heroes at once. You should not pick Fireball while you still have value to gain from Chaos Magic though. Judging when to go for which "bad" Spells is key to be successful with this deck!
So much for the bad options. Now, what about the good ones?
Well, they are really good! Chain Lightning, Flame Avalanche, Trial of Dominance. Massive AoE damage in all of them, with Trial only being viable against board with Creatures on them as the opponent can choose their Heroes OR Creatures to be hit.
To further accelerate the AoE damage the deck does, it also runs Cooldin specifically to cheat out the Area Blood Rock turn 1. Blood Rock deals 100 damage to all Heroes the turn player control at the end of their turn, putting both players on a timer and making your plentiful AoE hits even deadlier. This damage is also affected by Disruption Ray, making that an easy 100 AoE damage as a baseline!
But wait - if this effect is reciprocal, won't you also die within just a couple of turns?
Nope! The deck's third Hero is Bill, who equips Diver Helmets straight from your deck to Zi and Cooldin at the start of the game. And the Helmets make them immune to Blood Rock (as well as any other Areas). Investing an entire Hero slot for this purpose is certainly costly, but it guarantees you the perfect setup turn 1, putting your opponent on a tight timer while you yourself are unaffected! And even if they clear your Blood Rock (like with a Yeeting or Cataclysm), Cooldin can just bring out a new one next turn, so it's actually not easy to get rid of that timer. Your opponent would have to defeat Cooldin first, which would take attention away from Zi, allowing you to spellcast for free some more!
The last individual card worth mentioning is Giga Steroids, which lets a Hero perform an additional Action that cannot be used directly on a Spell or Attack. But it can be used to activate Zi's effect again, allowing you to spellcast twice!
One important thing to keep in mind when pulling that off: Flame Avalanche must be the only damage you deal during your turn. So if you already dealt damage with a Spell with Zi's first effect, never give your opponent Avalanche as an option for the second activation, and be careful with Chaos Magic as well. If it turns into Flame Avalanche, it will just fizzle and do nothing!
The deck does not run any revival except Potions, so losing Zi early can be quite devastating. However, with the Blood Rock damage and the fact Pyroblast is level 0, you can still win as long as you have at least 1 Hero left - no matter which Hero that might be. Never give up, the deck is quite hard to actually put down.