Pixel Parties

Heal Burn
Type: Support Magic
Play Style: Mid-Range
Difficulty: Easy
Consistency: 3/5
Power: 4/5
Recovery: 5/5
Protection: 5/5
Versatility: 2/5
With the power of healing, you can prevent your Heroes from ever dying!
And not just that - by just giving your opponent's Heroes an Overheal Shock, you can deal damage to them by healing them, turning your healers into damaging spellcasters as well, and by equipping your Hero with a Lifeforce Howitzer, any healing they receive will also be dealt as damage to an opponent!
If you wanna stay alive forever, make anything your opponent tries to do to you null and void, and annihilate their Heroes without ever taking relevant damage yourself, this is the perfect deck for you. No other deck has this level of defensive power!
How to use the Deck

The core strategy is really simple: Attach Overheal Shocks to your opponent's Heroes to convert healing they'd receive into damage, and equip your Heroes with Lifeforce Howitzers to deal damage when they are healed themselves.
The second big theme of the deck is "additional Actions". The Ability Friendship gives you a free Support Magic Spell every turn, although at Friendship level 1, you can't use other Support Spells that turn. Overheal Shock is an additional Action while the user has at least Support Magic level 2. And Divine Gift of Magic, the chosen Divine Gift of the deck, is not just an additional Action itself, but makes the first Support Spell you use every turn for the rest of the game that wouldn't heal HP also heal 100 HP at no extra cost. So you can use the free Overheal Shock or a free Spell off Friendship to keep yourself alive or deal 100 damage with Overheal Shock!
The most important Hero of the deck is Nao, arguably the best dedicated healer in the game. Not only does she start with the perfect set of Abilities in Support Magic + Friendship, letting you use a free Support Spell out the gate, but her effect lets you heal your targets beyond their max HP, effectively giving them a shield! That only works while the targets are at or below max HP, so the shields won't stack. If you get Nao to Support Magic 2 and play a Healing Melody, all your Heroes suddenly have 550 HP! Not only does that make them much harder to kill in general, it also insulates you specifically from combo decks that try to take out individual Heroes by bursting them for 400-450 damage (which would usually one-shot 90% of Heroes).
Your most powerful single-target Spell is the basic Heal, which scales with the user's Support Magic level. At level 3, you can heal 300 damage with it. Which means it becomes basically a Magic Hammer, a 300 damage nuke against a target, if that target has Overheal Shock attached to it. Or you can actually use it to heal (and shield). Best case, you can get one of your Heroes up to 700 HP total! And if a target you heal has Lifeforce Howitzer, you also deal 300 damage in addition! Howitzer only deals as much damage as you actually heal, so usually, the damage would likely be lower, unless the target is already really low when it's healed. However, thanks to Nao's effect, the full healing always applies, even beyond max HP, so the Howitzer also always deals the maximum possible damage. Once you have set everything up, your damage output, while also keeping yourself healthy, is surprisingly strong!
Since the deck already runs a fair few expensive Artifacts in Howitzer and Golden Ankhs (to revive Nao if necessary), it uses Semi as a dedicated Gold supporter. Friendship generates free Actions for Support Spells, so you can afford to spend your main Action on Adventurousness for 20 extra Gold! And to spend that Gold, you have a few utility Artifacts in Dark Gear (Creature hate) and The Yeeting (removes any non-Hero card), but also a bit spicier tech in Shield of Life and Shield of Death. These both trigger when the equipped Hero takes damage without dying (which your beefed up Heroes should constantly) and either heal your Hero for 100 HP or deal 100 damage to any target your opponent controls respectively. Shield of life can also be equipped to an opponent's Hero: That Hero will take damage, not be defeated by it, then "heal" from the Shield - which gets converted into damage by Overheal Shock!
For Spells, other than the already mentioned healing stuff, the deck also runs Brilliant Idea, an omni-search, Guardian Angel, an attachment that revives the Hero once, giving you even more survivability, Martyry, which is played in reaction to a damage source and redirects that to keep you even more alive, and Cure, which heals a target from status effects and then heals it per status removed. It is preferable to the usual beverage Artifacts as it is a Reaction and costs no Gold like Juice, but also has that HP heal and can be used on any target - opponent's included. So if one of your opponent's targets gets status'ed somehow and has an Overheal Shock (which does not count as a status effect btw) attached to it ... that's just MORE damage! The downside is that you actually need a Hero with Support Magic to actually cast it. So if all your casters are Frozen or something, you won't get rid of any of those Freezes where a beverage, being an Artifact, could be used regardless.
The big, big downside this deck has is definitely its early game. The deck is fairly susceptible to bricking on bad hands, and until Nao has Support Magic 2 + Friendship 2, you can't really do much. Ideally, you want to find the second Support Magic for Nao and a copy of Healing Melody as soon as possible to beef all your Heroes up, just so you can weather your opponent's assault against you until you're finally ready to hit them back hard. starting with the mid game, you will quickly begin to out-pace your opponent, and if you can make it to the end game, you should have much better chances than them!