Pixel Parties

Gather That Storm!
Type: Destruction Magic
Play Style: Aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Consistency: 4/5
Power: 5/5
Recovery: 1/5
Protection: 3/5
Versatility: 4/5
Set up powerful Gathering Storms to continually damage your opponent's Heroes, and once they're softened up, overwhelm them with massive offensive Spells!
Your main Hero Tarleinn allows you to heal your Heroes to keep them alive and win any damage race! Meanwhile, you have access to 2 dedicated support Heroes in Semi to gain Gold and Nicolas for powerful and versatile Potions! These extra resources allow you to use a wide variety of Artifacts and Potions to keep yourself alive, deal with and break problematic enemy boards and strategies, and generally slow the opponent down and prevent them from stopping you.
If everything goes well, you'll overwhelm your opponent by your fourth turn for a speedy brute force victory!
How to use the Deck

This deck is all about giving Tarleinn the Traveler a chance to shine! Tarleinn is an interesting Hero, giving you a free heal once per turn when a Hero with 2 or more different Spell School Abilities uses a Spell. And she just so happens to fit that criteria, so as long as you cast Spells with her, you get free heals for either her or any of your other targets. This complements an aggressive Destruction Magic strategy, as those decks usually struggle most with keeping their strong Heroes alive long enough to defeat all enemy Heroes. Unless your opponent can burst Tarleinn, they will have a really hard time picking her off!
The deck uses a variety of pretty standard Destruction Spells to deal vast amounts of damage quickly, like Chain Lightning and Flame Avalanche, but it also has a special tech choice, which is also the deck's namesake: Gathering Storm, an Attachment Spell that forces the opponent to deal 70 damage to 3 of their targets every turn for easy passive damage to soften the enemy Heroes up!
The idea is to attach 1 or more Gathering Storms as early as possible to get all enemy Heroes low enough to wipe them out with one big Spell, like a 150 AoE Flame Avalanche. The deck also runs a single copy of The White Eye, which doubles any damage Gathering Storm deals, in combination with a single Treasure Hunter's Backpack, which lets you cheat out the Eye without paying its ludicrous Gold Cost. Ideally, you can find the Backpack turn 1 to cheat out the Eye; Backpack prevents the Hero it equips the Eye to from casting a Spell that turn, so unless you find it turn 1, when you can't deal damage anyway, using this combo will slow your damage output down by 1 turn!
Speaking of turn 1, you definitely always want to go first (as any deck running Semi would). Even if you can't hurt your opponent yet, you can either use your Adventurousness to get a 20 Gold lead, or set up your first Gathering Storm. It might not deal any damage at the start of your opponent's first turn yet, but it will stay there, on your Hero, ready to deal damage every following turn.
The rest of the deck is mostly utility cards. Divine Punishment is a nifty Destruction Reaction that can negate an opponent's Hero's effect. Additionally, if you use it with Tarleinn, you get a heal effect during your opponent's turn, which might prevent a killing blow or at least make life harder for your opponent!
Your main way to deal with your opponent's strategies are utility Artifacts and Potions. Dark Gear can shut down or slow down many decks by themselves, Snow Cannon can help stall for a turn, and Cloud in a Bottle can throw your opponent off by preventing a killing blow.
Overall, you won't be able to prevent your opponent completely from setting up; a decent Creature deck can play through Dark Gear and a Yeeting or 2. But that's not the goal. The goal is to survive until your fourth turn or so and just wipe your opponent out before you lose your Tarleinn!
And that brings us to the deck's greatest weakness: Everything revolves around Tarleinn! Gathering Storm and The White Eye are inherently very reliant on protection, as they get removed from the board once the Hero they're attached to is defeated. Additionally, Tarleinn is both your main spellcaster and your main way to keep your Heroes alive. Your other two Heroes being pure supporters is great for consistency, as it gives you tons of resources and value, but it also makes losing Tarleinn very dangerous and devastating. Thus, your gameplan really comes down to "Protect the queen".
The deck runs Homerun specifically to prevent her from getting bursted, Resuscitation Potion and Elixir of Immortality to at least revive her, and Tarleinn's unique Area Spell Tarleinn's Floating Island to help you with card draw when you heal yourself with Tarleinn's effect.
The last card worth mentioning is Cataclysm, which destroys all Areas in play (that being Tarleinn's Island on your side) and deals 100 AoE damage to everything on both sides. That's not particularly impressive compared to something like Avalanche - but while there's an Area in play, it becomes lv 0, and your Area is lv 0 as well, meaning this could be a last ditch effort to finish your opponent's weakened Heroes, even without a spellcaster alive on your side!